Learn How to Access Intuition and Guidance

for yourself and for your client protocols!


Buy the Course


Learn Dowsing Basics as well as advanced techniques



Develop protocols using multiple methods, Intuition, and Guidance.



Help your clients heal more gently and efficiently.


In this course, you will learn a system to access your intuition and guidance. Once you learn this, you can expect amazing results for both yourself and your clients. 

Chelsea’s course was a lot more thorough than I expected, covering the basics as well as more advanced techniques. It walks you through dowsing all the way to confidently handling any nuances you may encounter. It’s a real gem and stands out both as far as content is concerned and Chelsea’s caring and considered delivery. I highly recommend it if you have always wanted to delve into dowsing - it will dispel all the myths and teach you exactly what’s needed!

Anna Babcov

From Christene:

I have loved every minute of this course!

Chelsea’s deep desire to help others, help others, clearly shines through. She is a genuine teacher and practitioner.

As a beginner practitioner who felt stuck on how I wanted to run my practice, it is great to learn we can seek guidance and get out of our heads quickly! I now feel confident in the direction of how I want to serve my clients.

Asking the guides removes your own internal biases to help your clients achieve their goals without spending tons of time and money on functional labs.

I can’t wait to incorporate these methods because I care deeply about them and their wellness.

I 100% recommend this course!


Check out what students are saying...


I have studied homeopathy and energy medicine for years but I never knew how to integrate it all or which one to use for which situation. What you are teaching is like having a master computer system that writes individual programs, which in fact is what it is. I’m eager to integrate your system into my healing endeavors.
This class was amazing! Priceless!

-Susan Bergman


I have absolutely loved Chelsea’s course. It has opened me up to a new way to help heal people. Very easy to understand and Chelsea is a natural with dowsing and teaching. We all got a chance to be worked on and wow! What popped up for me was spot on and her recommendations helped immensely. I would definitely recommend this course to everyone!!

-Nishma Shah


The dowsing demonstrations for the group members have been incredibly helpful. Chelsea worked through different cases and it was so powerful to observe how she expertly used dowsing to inform remedy selection. Accessing Intuition and Guidance for Practitioners provided the encouragement I needed to explore my inner knowing.

-Lisa Lovely

Frequently Asked Questions

Learning to dowse helps you to make the most of all your left-brain knowledge while simultaneously utilizing intuition and guidance. It is defiantly the best of both worlds.